Handy Construction specialized in the property developments and maintenance. Its focus is to facilitate and develop Handy Group property developments and provide ongoing maintenance services to Groups residential and investment properties.

A building design and construction project lead by Handy Construction Limited since 2022 is soon to be completed. A new 3 stories modern design building at the centre of Mendi town Southern Highlands Province. .
Office space lease soon

A newly built hotel & apartments located in Port Moresby, Korobosea, Moonbi Street. A construction led by Handy Construction since 2022.
Completion time, 2025.

Located in Suva, Fiji. The property is undergoing a major renovation at the moment.
Will soon be available for lease.

Mr. Augustine Sanga Mano was appointed the Managing Director & CEO of Mineral Resources Development Company in March 2008. Mr. Mano graduated with Degrees in Economics and Arts majoring in Environmental Science from the University of Papua New Guinea and holds Master of Science in Petroleum Economics from Dundee University, Scotland. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Mano was involved in the civil constructions, real estate, transport and insurance.
He currently serves as Director or Chairman of many MRDC group subsidiaries and investee companies in PNG and overseas (https://site.mrdc.com.pg/). He is also the current board of DIrector for OK Tedi Mining Limited. A current member of State Negotiating Team (SNT) for PNG government. Former BSP bank Director and Hevilift Director.

Thomas Dara Ola
Over 20 years working experience in the Finance and Administration section of the Mendi Provincial Works Department. Involve in Hides Landowner matters in the negotiations for maximum participation. Professional Affiliations with Papua New Gunea Institute of Directors (PNGID).

Construction Supervisor
Practising lawyer and entrepreneur.
MBA – USP, Suva.
Post Graduate in Law – UPNG.
Bachelor in Social Science Major in HR – UPNG.
PNG ID, Fiji and PNG Business Council.
Fiji Law Society, PNG Law Society, PNG HRI and
Fiji HRI.